Thanks for reminding us about the church's mission to offer the incarnation in the form of community.

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Christ is real, not only as in true but also as in dealing with, facing, not flinching before, and being with us even in our sorrow, loss, waywardness, rebeliousness, and tragic choices. Thank you, Michael, for illuminating for us and reminding us about this very real Savior and ally and friend and brother we have in Christ. May we in "organized religion" not pretend, nor cause people to misunderstand, that Christ insists or expects that we get ourselves organized before meeting Him, nor that our individual or communal sense of being organized dictates or limits whom or how or when or to what extent (the ultimate) Christ loves. And Christ calls us to whom and where He loves -- a big charge, but backed up by Jesus, who took on and fulfills the ultimate charge. I'm eager for your book and so appreciate you and your ministry.

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Needed this reminder, thank you!

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Selah 👍

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Amen. Thanks Beth:)

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This is deep bro. Thank you.

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Thanks for your vulnerability in sharing your brother's story.

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Wow. This is powerful.

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Thanks for bringing me back to the heart of Christmas.

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